Market manipulation: methods and examples
Per Friberg
Head of Financial Crime SurveillanceJonas Rehnberg
Financial Crime Surveillance Officer
Market manipulation is a type of market abuse intended to deceive investors by controlling or influencing the price of securities. It's a challenging crime for financial institutions and authorities to detect and prevent.
Join us for a webinar on "Market manipulation: methods and examples" to learn how to effectively identify instances of market manipulation.
Per Friberg and Jonas Rehnberg, Senior Financial Crime Surveillance Officers at Trapets, will discuss the details of market manipulation and how to detect it in this 60-minute session.
During the webinar, you will learn:
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of market manipulation. Sign up for the webinar today by filling out the form below.
Per har en bakgrund inom investment banking med bred erfarenhet som Sales trader av europeiska och amerikanska aktier och derivat. Han har arbetat som brottsutredare av marknadsmissbruk vid Ekobrottsmyndigheten och vid Nationella Anti-korruptionsgruppen på NOA inom Polismyndigheten innan han tillträdde sin nuvarande tjänst hos Trapets under 2021.