Instantwatch platform

Fight financial crime with one platform

Our commitment to fighting financial crime goes beyond individual regulatory needs. That is why we have created Instantwatch - the platform that covers your needs for financial crime prevention.

A modern building with reflective glass windows against a clear sky during dusk.

What is Instantwatch?

Instantwatch is our all-in-one platform that detects and prevents financial crime. It enables more efficient and smarter processes to comply with the Anti-Money Laundering Directives (AMLD), Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), and Market in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). Collecting your compliance processes in Instantwatch will give you the advantages of a future-proof, streamlined technology stack.  

A refined and powerful platform

  • Scalability

    As regulations change and businesses evolve, be confident that Instantwatch can scale with you. We meet the needs of today and tomorrow in one platform. 

  • Efficiency

    Gain efficiency by collecting your compliance solutions on one platform. Benefit from ease of use and save time and costs on onboarding your team to new systems. 

  • Availability

    With an uptime of 99.7 %, we bring confidence to conduct your business and compliance operations with confidence.

  • Processing power

    Instantwatch processes large volumes of data, pattern analysis, alerts, and risk calculations by the minute. It is a reliable and solid platform with proven technology refined for years.

We wanted a straightforward technology setup, where we will gain a lot from having Trapets as the sole provider to cover our AML process and regulatory needs."
Chief Operating Officer, POP Bank Group
A bridge’s support cables with the sun shining through them.

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Discover more

  • A person going past a window with colorful reflections.

    Information security and privacy

    We understand that security and customer data are crucial to our solutions and adhere to the highest information security management standards.

  • A tall, curved skyscraper with a blue sky in the background.

    AML solutions

    Get an all-in-one solution where you can manage and continually improve your AML processes. Transaction monitoring, customer due diligence, and screening in one place for smarter day-to-day compliance.

  • Modern building with a curved facade made up of windows in various shades of blue, gray, and orange.

    MAR solutions

    Automate and optimise your market and trade surveillance to detect, analyse, and report suspicious orders and transactions faster and more accurately.