An introduction to PEP screening

Politically Exposed Persons, or PEPs, are individuals who are or have been entrusted with central public functions, such as government officials, politicians, high-ranking military officers, and their immediate relations or close associates.
Man in a white shirt sitting at a desk with a pen in his hand, looking into the distance.

Understanding the significance of PEP screening is crucial not only to comply with the anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, but also to effectively identify and prevent criminal behaviour that can harm your company's reputation.

PEP screening is pivotal in identifying Politically Exposed Persons and individuals at heightened risk of involvement in corruption and illicit financial activities.

In this article, we'll introduce PEP screening, its importance, challenges, key components, and how Trapets can help you effectively screen and identify Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs).

What is PEP screening?

PEP screening is a due diligence process that identifies and evaluates Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) as part of anti-money laundering (AML) compliance.

Politically Exposed Persons, or PEPs, are individuals who are or have been entrusted with central public functions, such as government officials, politicians, high-ranking military officers, and their immediate relations or close associates.

Due to their influential positions and access to assets and funds, these individuals may be at a higher risk of engaging in corruption and other illicit behaviour.

Why is PEP screening important?

PEP screening is not just a regulatory requirement, but a strategic tool for financial institutions. It not only helps identify individuals at heightened risk of involvement in corruption but also ensures compliance with industry-standard AML frameworks. Most importantly, it safeguards the integrity of your company, protecting it from potential reputational damage.

PEP screening is pivotal for the following reasons:

  • Improve your risk management: PEP screening is an essential component of a proper risk management strategy, helping to prevent your institution from being used to launder illicit funds.
  • Comply with the AML regulations: Financial institutions must perform enhanced due diligence on PEPs to comply with international AML regulations, such as those set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
  • Protect your company's reputation: By identifying potential risks associated with PEPs, your institution can avoid reputational damage that could arise from facilitating illegal activities.

Who needs to do PEP screening?

Financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, asset managers, and other entities, are the key players in the PEP screening process.

They must conduct PEP screening as part of their AML compliance programs, underscoring their crucial role in maintaining the financial system's integrity.

7 key steps of a quality PEP screening process

PEP screening is a comprehensive process crucial to AML compliance. It involves several key steps designed to identify potential risks and take proper measures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing activities.

  1. Gather customer data: Collect essential information necessary to identify your clients, such as name, date of birth, address, and official identification documents.
  2. Use technology to screen PEPs: Utilise AML software to examine the input parameters and compare them to an extensive database of Politically Exposed Persons.
  3. Detect false positives: Identify and filter out false positives to ensure that the individuals flagged as PEPs match correctly.
  4. Set a risk score: Assign a risk score to the identified PEP based on various factors, including their position, country of origin, and known associations.
  5. Conduct enhanced due diligence (EDD): Run an in-depth investigation for the identified higher-risk PEPs, which may include verifying the source of funds and wealth, scrutinizing their business relationships, and understanding the nature and purpose of the account or transaction.
  6. Document and report: Keep detailed records of all steps taken during the PEP check process, including how decisions were made and any additional information uncovered.
  7. Execute ongoing monitoring: Continuously monitor the business relationship with the PEP to detect any suspicious activity over time, as risks may change.

It's important to note that while PEPs are subject to these additional checks due to their position and potential risk, it doesn't mean that all PEPs are involved in illegal activities. The process is preventive in nature and is a critical part of AML efforts globally.

How Trapets can help you with PEP screening

Financial crime is becoming more sophisticated, so it's crucial to carefully screen your customers and evaluate their risk levels before bringing them onboard. 

Moreover, customer screening is an ongoing process, and you must monitor them regularly to comply with regulations and prevent financial crime. 

With Trapets Screening, you can screen customers using secure technology and up-to-date data sources. This allows you to check your customers against sanctions, PEP/RCA lists, UBO information, and adverse media. 

Use Trapets Screening to streamline compliance, onboard customers more quickly and confidently, and improve risk assessments. It also helps in reducing manual screening work and allows you to focus on identifying and reporting suspicious activity to keep your business safe.

In conclusion

Understanding the significance of PEP screening is crucial for financial institutions to comply with AML regulations and effectively prevent criminal behaviour.

By continuously monitoring and screening customers, financial institutions can streamline compliance, mitigate risks, and protect themselves from financial crime.