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Trapets’ recertification for ISO 27001

We are proud to announce our recertification for ISO 27001, the international standard for information security management systems.
Trapets ISO 27001 certificate.

Trapets is proud to announce, that as of 27 May 2021, we have been recertified for ISO 27001, the international standard for information security management systems. The certification process was handled by Scandinavian Business Certification AB.

The certification is a testament that Trapets’ framework for information security best practices continues to be the highest of standards, clearly demonstrating that we invest in people, processes, and technology that protects our own as well as our customers’ data.

“I’m proud to see the commitment and dedication everyone at Trapets has with placing information security at the forefront of our business, enabling and ensuring that we keep information assets secure“, says Daniel Cederhierta, Head of Operations & CICO at Trapets.

About Trapets

Trapets AB is a leading Market and Trading Surveillance, AMLCustomer Due Diligence, and Screening solutions provider. Professional services range from assistance in implementing compliance monitoring and advanced analytics programs to fully outsourced trading surveillance.

The company is one of the market leaders in Europe regarding securities market surveillance and in Northern Europe regarding AML, anti-money laundering surveillance. For almost 20 years, Trapets has developed the surveillance and compliance platform Instantwatch, one of the most modern, powerful and user-friendly platforms worldwide for automatic surveillance and compliance.

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